Site policy

Terms of use

Entering and viewing any part of the FabLab web site means that you agree to all of the restrictions and conditions of use listed here. If you do not agree, please do not use these pages. We recommend that you periodically review the applicable Terms of Use or privacy policy.

Limitation of liability

FabLab is organizing websites with due diligence. Nevertheless, they do not assume responsibility for their accuracy and integrity. They associate the right to change the content of this website at any time and in any way, regardless of the reason and without prior notice. All users use all published content at their own risk. Therefore, the FabLab, or any legal or natural person who participated in the preparation and development of these websites, is under no responsibility whatsoever for any damage that might arise from or in connection with access to, use and or the inability to use information on these websites and / or for any errors or defects in their content.

Intellectual property rights

All information and images on the websites of the FabLab are subject to copyright protection or other forms of intellectual property protection within the legally permitted framework. The documents on these web pages may only be reproduced for non-commercial purposes and for personal use, while retaining all of the above warnings about copyright or other rights. Copying, copying, duplicating, modifying or otherwise disseminating information from these websites for commercial purposes is prohibited without the express written consent of FabLab. Trademarks and service marks appearing on these pages are registered trademarks or registered trademarks. FabLab has the right to use them.

Protecting privacy

The FabLab pays special attention to the protection of the privacy of information that it acquires from the users of these websites and the personal data they provide to it in accordance with the applicable legislation on the protection of personal data in the Republic of Slovenia and the GDPR Regulation. Below we will familiarize you with the system of collecting, storing, using and disseminating personal information.

You can visit our website without mentioning your personal information. The listing of personal information is only required if you order a service, sign up for events, send a request, or subscribe to the notification.

We collect personal information only when you send it to us by applying, filled in forms or e-mail as an order for information, part of the service order, demand or demand for services and in similar situations in accordance with the purpose for which you have decided to send us your data.

Your consent to the notification means that we will only save your email address and nothing more. We will never give it to third parties. We will send you occasional relevant messages about current events and project or job opportunities (ICT, digitalization, the Internet of Things, multimedia and related topics). Whenever you can unsubscribe from receiving notifications by clicking “Sign out”.

In addition to the personal information you provide to us, we also collect information via cookies; these can include a website that has been linked to our website, the websites you visit from our site, your IP address to determine the country from which you are coming, and the duration of the visit to our website. With this information, we might be able to identify your identity, but we do not do that.

Your personal information remains in the FabLab. We store them on the servers that are in our control. We will not transfer your information in any form to third parties unless you agree to this or if the judicial authorities so request.


A cookie is a smaller file that is installed on your device during a web page visit and is recognized by the page that issued the cookie. The purpose of using cookies is to improve the performance of the website and the user experience when viewing websites.

Data collected through cookies is processed exclusively for statistical purposes, but only in a way that can not identify your identity, identify problems with the server, edit web pages, and notify products.

Most browsers use cookies automatically. However, you can opt-out of cookies at any time. If you want to decline cookies on your device, you can change the browser settings that you use. More information about rejecting cookies can also be found on the website

The site stores the following cookies

Cookie name Purpose Party Time limitation
cc_cookie_accept A cookie that records your setting to allow the cookie record 1 year
cc_cookie_decline A cookie that records your setting to deny the cookie record 1 year
%sessionid% Randomly generated coded session record browser closed
_utma Google Analytics statistics Google 2 yeat
_utmb Google Analytics statistics Google 30 minutes
_utmc Google Analytics statistics Google browser closed
_utmz Google Analytics statistics Google 6 months


The Laboratory for Telecommunications and the Laboratory for Multimedia use technical and organizational security measures that protect your data from manipulation, loss, destruction or unauthorized access. To ensure the security and confidentiality of personal information that we collect online, we also use a standard firewall and password protection. When handling your personal data, we are implementing measures designed to protect these data from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration or destruction. In all cases, however, we can not protect data against any loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration or destruction, and we endeavor to prevent such unfortunate events.

Contact us

In case of problems, questions or insights, corrections, blocking and deletion of your personal information, please contact: FabLab, ULFE, Laboratory for Telecommunications and Multimedia Laboratory, Tržaška 25, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia,

The constant development of the web requires the occasional alteration of our legal notice. We reserve the right to make these changes.

The operator of this website is FabLab.

Last updated: 05/23/2018, FabLab