FabLab Network is a platform for learning, intergenerational integration, creativity and support to creative makers, startups and companies. The national reference FabLab Network Slovenia is a technologically supported environment for innovation, prototyping and invention, but is also aimed at encouraging circular economy and local entrepreneurship.
Slovenia developed the national reference network FabLab of creative laboratories in 2017 within the framework of the Interreg Europe ERUDITE project. The initiator and coordinator of the network is the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, in cooperation with the Information Society Directorate, Ministry of Public Administration. The main objective of the network is to recognize and use the entrepreneurial potential of local communities in Slovenia.
The basic idea is to promote innovation and development of local economy. Some partners of the network have had long experience in operating within different forms of entrepreneurship environment. Formation of entrepreneurship will be encouraged in all Slovenian regions.